The Sun HouseUsing Passive and Active Solar strategies, this eco-friendly home generates more power than it uses. “I want all rooms to face south.” The one characteristic most important to the client in the search for a property was a clear southern exposure. Sometimes called “passive solar heating,” this is a cost-effective way to maximize the heat given off by the sun. It doesn’t take any solar panels or technology—just sunshine and lots of south-facing windows. Solar Panels for Energy We discussed the classic conundrum of southern orientation—slope the roof up to the south and you get heat; slope the roof down and you get solar panel exposure.The non-living space—the garage—could slope down and be the location for the solar panel array. Reclaimed & environmentally friendly materials We employed environmentally sensitive, recycled spray-in insulation, FSC certified lumber, pre-manufactured SIPs, reclaimed cedar siding and metal roofing made from recycled aluminum. And Ron uses the solar panel array to charge his Tesla! Sloping roofs connect The forms of the house and garage were simple rectangles (almost) and the roofs sloped in a butterfly fashion. To avoid a flat valley we offset the forms to allow them to “kiss” at one location. The Sun House - Gallery